CAD exhibited at Munich 2023 with Trilogy, Wilson Benesch and Bibacord, with racks generously supplied by Quadraspire.

Thanks to all of you who came to visit our room F224 in Atrium 4.2!

Andrew Quint, in his Show Review for The Absolute Sound magazine, wrote : You don’t expect an A/B comparison at a show this busy, but it was a little slow in the Trilogy/Wilson Benesch/Computer Audio Design room and CAD’s Scott Berry was happy to accommodate me. Berry had a new product, the USB Control ($750) which gets inserted into a component’s firmware update port. With the device in place, an already excellent-sounding system was clearly improved—less closed in, with a more extended top end and greater harmonic richness. Berry feels that the unpleasant aspects of digital sound are due to high-frequency noise, which his doodad addresses. I can only say it works.

Jason Kennedy, Editor of the Ear, also noticed that we had brought “the smallest thing in the show” in our new USB Control! Read his show reviews here

We were also delighted also to welcome Marc Phillips of Part-Time Audiophile, who had made the long trip from Oregon to Munich for the show. You can read his full review here