CAD exhibited at the Florida Audio Expo on Feb 17th – 19th 2023
Along with the CAD 1543 DAC Mk II, CAD Computer Audio Transport (CAT), we were very lucky to use the Aesthetix MIMAS integrated amplifier and Boenicke Audio W5 SE speakers. This is a fantastic combination.
Some of you will have seen on Day 1 a lovely pair of Eggleston Works speakers, in British Racing Green, which House of Stereo had kindly loaned us while we waited for Boenicke’s W5s to make it through US Customs! Both speakers sounded great – a demonstration of the flexibility of the MIMAS and the purity of the CAD front end. Thank you again to Jim of Eggleston Works and Joe and his team in House of Stereo.
System noise reduction included he CAD Ground Control range and the new CAD USB control. We used interconnects and speaker cables from Bibacord of Sweden. We also used these in AXPONA and Munich. I think we like them…..and finally also a thank you to Soundlux Audio, our Miami dealer, who brought the rack. Try putting one of those in an overhead bin……
We had some good reviews – Marc Phillips and Matt Partrick of Part-Time Audiophile came to see us – read Matthew’s review here
The next day PTA’s Scot Hull also came to visit us – and thank you Scot for your great description of the W5 “effect”! – he wrote “Another caught-me-off-guard experience happened in the CAD demo room, which had been showing with the much-bigger Egglestonworks loudspeakers. As you know, CAD makes fantastic digital servers, and systems using them makes beautiful music. But on my trip through, the CAD-backed demo was fronted by the little W5 loudspeakers from Boenicke. These speakers are — I think — intended for desktop use, but in an absolutely delightful and hilariously genre-busting demo, I got to hear these little dudes completely fill up a full-size room and fronting a full-size system. The experience was, in short, bananas — one of those “shouldn’t work but totally does” experiences — and I hope to have a pair of these speakers in pronto. CAD was a high point of my time at FLAX.”
Show hours : February 17 -19, 2023